Filtration & Separators
ServeTech utilizes the best filtration products available in the market-place, (including several major brands, for which ServeTech is an authorized distributor [see Line Card]). ServeTech utilizes application-specific products based on the operation of your equipment, accuracy and reliability of the treatment equipment, customer input, and our 20+ years of experience in the field.
Centrifugal Separators: ServeTech recommends centrifugal separators as a minimum for particulate-removal technology on any cooling system and matches each unit to the flow-rate, treatment program, operation, environmental-atmospheric conditions, reliability and ease-of-use. These units can be installed on a full-flow or sidestream basis and can be configured into forced bleed-off or on a timer, to clean/purge any accumulated contaminants.
Filtration: Many systems require smaller micron filtration due the nature of the process and liquid being recirculated. Your ServeTech rep will recommend a specific filtration option out of several types of filtration systems, including; sand, bag, cartridge, and/or mixed-media. ServeTech will match each unit to the flow-rate, treatment program, operation, environmental-atmospheric conditions, reliability and ease-of-use.

These units can be installed on a full-flow or sidestream basis and can be configured into forced bleed-off or on a timer, to clean/purge any accumulated contaminants. (Temporary/portable filtration systems and services are available for closed loop systems, which need periodic filtration, as well.)
See available Line Card for specific brands and manufacturers
ServeTech Water Solutions, Inc. - Wheaton, IL - - - 630-784-9050